All our Lyrics


Our frequency is the one you were lulled into
before you were born
And don't be afraid
We want to sleep with you just to wake you up!
'cause with your body
we can have fun...
Just to make you like us


Every day, you know
Is a cosmic cycle in itself
Up and down, we breathe ...
Law of entropy
For the universe
I fill myself with hope
When evening comes
Thanks to the absorbed light
Because all the sunlight
That i've taken on
Is energy for the day that comes
(The) Dark of the night
is a promice
Like everything that is not there ... yet
The call of absence
fills me with faith,
alluding to the whole
And tomorrow it will be the same


There was a path it was my way
I've been following for years
There was a life I was used to living
deeply different from this
this one that I can see.
I remember the sun
shining high in the sky
I can see the scents,
the sounds and the voices ...
Life, my life is a lapse of time, whose memories come from the night
when the time goes beyond our minds ...
And reflects the memories of our future past.
How many times have we shouted to the wind, to give ourselves another chance?
A single day is too short for learning, improving, changing up our soul!
So many illusions, as a child, so many changes crowd my mind
Sometimes believing is so hard
before a new consciousness is formed.
Life, my life is a lapse of time, whose memories come from the night
when time goes beyond our minds ...
And reflects the memories of our future past.
I've seen my second chance ...
last night …
in the dark …
I waited and learnt
(gathering memories)
There's a truth, yes! And it must be found
(gathering memories).
It's the meaning of the life, of reality, of history ...
But the man-child doesn't forget
never surrenders even if he falls,
but inspires us to find
something new, every day!
How many times
will I still forget?
Dragging my poor heart
following the path
but the soul doesn't know how to die
and so she will stay.
And the moon is high every night
(full and clear)
She used to comfort me
(she reveals other sides of me)
And despite the strong wind it blows
(shaking the fronds near me)
it feels light to my heart (until the moon disappears).
We are looking for a new land, for a promise, for a new age without time.
We are looking for those memories of eternal light
(But if you believe in a different world open the paint box and draw the life!)
that come from the whole, before any life.
Life, my life is a lapse of time …
And the time goes beyond our minds.


Immersed in a storm of steel
In peace as in war
In our car or behind a black screen
We feel strangely more alive, primitive
The age of technology reveals
our true nature to us,
Challenging the laws of time
We can discover ourselves again
Everything seems so magical (in our time)
It's automatism resonates so strongly (in our Heart)
We need to go faster and faster
And higher and further
Our time passes too slowly
to grasp the whole mechanism
But a time lapse can capture what our eyes are unable to see...behind the sky
And everything moves but we
are in the middle of the carousel
and all this.
seems to be
standing still
We are too blind to grasp the
Intelligence behind the gear
Our mysterious Kingdom
But sometimes a melancholy hope
at night invades our chest
What makes us exist if not the mysterious ray of the moon
which sometimes crosses the wildest interior region like a shock?
When it's night, the tramp and the child
They both pass through the dark door
that separes us from our home
Our sweet and lost childhood home
In the night, at the end of time
We can read the things
as if they too were runes,
which announces a deeper fraternity
The fraternity of being!
Happy is the simplicity that ignores the bifurcations of reason,
but wilder and more virile is the happiness that blooms on the edge of the abyss.
The nocturnal excesses allow us
to Jump out of the aisles of habit
And only in uncertainty
do we aim High!
What does the afterlife matter
to him for whom everything Is on this side?
Everything Is on this side.



i. I Will Be Rain
I’ll be like a spring rain of notes
Delicated and cheerful in her melodies
Rain that comes
Soon it will leave space to the sun
I’ll be like … I will be rain
Rain that comes
down to wet the soul
A sweet and veiled rain of sensations
Rain that comes
soon it will leave space
soon it will leave space … to the rainbow
A rain that slides and drips
in the forest seen at night
On the night of my trasfiguration
A rain that slides and drips
The lush forest, isn’t mine
We’re same essence in transformation.

ii. The Veil
I look around me, inside me, into the light
I cannot perceive the space
My hand’s searching for the air
My breathe is a indefinite noise
I cannot move
My body’s a reflected image
Time seems to have stopped
In a rainbow of earthly light
Like rain, like rain
I’m falling down
Like rain, like a rain of notes
When the time is right
we can receive the Revelation
See me! Crave me
When the fruit is ripe to give the seeds of our salvation
See them, crave them
Truth is near
Wait, the veil is breaking

iii. Like A Father
As i used to tell the truth
Blessed by the Holy Light
I’m here, looking at the sky
Looking for a heaven
I feel like a grain of sand
I am in the infinity
(I look around me … I see only dark and dust)
There’s no place where I’m safe
No word can keep … keep me quiet
(It’s just a lapse of time)
As the ancient Gods of Olympus,
I’m here looking down at the world
I’m looking for … my way
The meaning of symbols, we’re waiting in me
The thirst of knowledge
It’s true, I’m a castaway
It’s just … just a lapse of time
There’s no place where I’m safe
No word can keep … keep me quiet
I asked my father for help
me, now … I feel like a weary father Waiting for … the right time …
It’s just … Just a lapse of time 
I'm sure this isn't the right moment … the moment


When the day is almost at the and
And the night comes down
I’m walking on the silver sand
Under a very distant sky
At the end of my day
There will be some time for me
A feeling of dreaming
A new day to live
In my head there is Silence and I
Can feel that tomorrow will be better
At the end of my day (at the end of time)
A new light will shine for me
Oh starlight
Tomorrow, again, don’t tell me not
My starlight
The only thing i hold in my hands
Sweet starlight
That shines only in my mind
Let me cry and fly
When the rich man has got much more
while the poor man no
The rich man will wonder
Why is he suffering
At the end of my day
There will be a new dream for us
A moment for winning again
If a new time will come
Cold hearts of the people don’t see
What is ultimately more important
I’ll remember every day
That my life is much more than a gift
Oh starlight
Tomorrow again don’t tell me not
My starlight
The only thing i hold in my heands
Sweet starlight
That shines only in my mind
Let me hope and shine
I return, return to live
My life has been saved
Now I can open the doors to you


Is identity a conquest or is a luxury cell in which to secretly enjoy and suffer?
…from which he has to be released, as for right, you fight for this…you were born
Janny, and you want to be Jared
Identity is not a thought, but a continuous compromise between how you see
yourself and how others see you.
And we don’t give ourselves the name, it’s always someone else who baptizes us and
brings us into the light of his gaze.
You can’t free yourself from the confines in which you are…
We don’t come to light if nobody calls us
We don’t come to light, if nobody loves…
with the complexity, our peculiarity, with the male and female inside us.
The past reigns over us with the Name, genetical karma in the form of DNA
that shapes the present and marks our future:
to overcome it, we must welcome it in.
Whenever we think we are the centre of the World, “It” turns to say,
with his wide smile:
“Excuse me, sir, can you repeat your name? Excuse me sir, can you repeat your name
Who are you? We are made of parts. Parts of the same system.
If you suffer and are ashamed, can find the key of the system!